Why You Should Cable and Brace Your Trees

Your residential and commercial trees must be properly cared for and maintained all year round. Not only does this help ensure they are aesthetically pleasing, but it also ensures they’re safe and won’t damage the surrounding property. WorkGrove Landscape is a tree care Orange County company that has spent more than 20 years helping our clients keep up with residential tree pruning and commercial tree pruning. If you’re worried about the health of your trees, read through the advice of our tree care professionals on whether cabling and bracing is the best option. Get in touch today!

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What Is Cable & Bracing?

Although tree pruning in Orange County is an option to preserve the life of your tree and protect your property, it may not be the right step for your property — this is where cabling and bracing comes in. Cabling and bracing is a process designed to proactively protect a tree from collapsing due to poor or weak structure. Much like the name suggests, this process involves using flexible cables to support weak areas of the tree.


The Purpose of Cable & Bracing

When it comes to tree care with Workgrove Landscape, one option is cabling and bracing. While residential tree pruning and commercial tree pruning can be a great way of keeping the entire plant healthy, this method of care has very specific purposes. Cabling and bracing should be your go-to solution when a certain area of your tree is at risk of falling or is showing signs of facing too much heavy wind or ice and snow damage.


The Importance of Tree Care in Orange County

Our property’s trees need to grow well and stand up without the risk of falling over. It’s easy to achieve this goal when you invest in proper tree care with Workgrove Landscape’s experts. Whether tree pruning is the right step or cabling and bracing is, you need to take action to prevent damage to your home or retail space. Proper tree care in Orange County is also critical for the safety of passers-by and for the value of your property.


Choose Workgrove Landscape’s Tree Care Services

Workgrove Landscape is excited to help our residential and commercial neighbors keep up with their tree care and landscaping. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is passionate about helping our community members care for their properties. No matter what aspect of tree pruning, landscaping, or hardscaping you’re interested in, contact us today!